
Pet Chiropractic

Pet Chiropractic

Have you ever gone to a chiropractor?  I do on a regular basis, and it has been a life-saver!  I started having vertigo a few years ago, and have gone to doctors and allergists.  They only prescribed medicine to help with the dizziness but had no solutions to get rid of it.  Then I went to a special chiropractor that adjusted the vertebrate in my neck, and my vertigo is gone!  For two years I lived with vertigo, and it was terrible.

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Feeding Raw Bones - Featured Post from Woofer Wellness

Feeding Raw Bones - Featured Post from Woofer Wellness

Many owners feel intimidated by "horror stories" of giving bones but feeding them is really quite easy when keeping common sense in mind. I hope after reading this you will have a little more confidence in what you can and can't offer to your woofer! 

Raw meaty bones are classified as soft, consumable bones that still have some meat attached to them. These range from chicken wings all the way to big items like lamb heads, depending on the size of the dog.

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Dental Care for Dogs and Cats

Dental Care for Dogs and Cats

February is National Pet Dental Health month!  I just wanted to share some important information about your pet’s teeth.  Did you know that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease by the age of 2, according to the AVMA?  That’s terrible!! And don’t think that kibble helps keep their teeth clean. Because kibble contains carbohydrates, they are actually worse for your pet’s teeth than canned, cooked or raw foods.  The carbs stick to their teeth and bacteria builds the plaque. Just because it’s crunchy, it doesn’t mean it’s good for teeth. Think of eating Captain Crunch, that’s crunchy, but certainly not good for your teeth!

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Manuka Honey's Healing Properties

Manuka Honey's Healing Properties

Have you heard about Manuka Honey? Manuka honey is named from the Manuka tree and bush in New Zealand and Australia.  This particular honey has antimicrobial properties, like most honey, but it has super antimicrobial properties.  It naturally has hydrogen peroxide and non-hydrogen peroxide antibacterial properties that are super strong.

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Benefits of Raw Feeding

Benefits of Raw Feeding

Hello, today I wanted to talk about the benefits of feeding a raw diet, and much of these benefits fit with cooked diets too.  I have been feeding my older Weimaraner raw food for about 5 years and transitioned my 7-year-old Weimaraner this past summer.  They love it, and lick their bowl clean every meal! I feed a combination of home-made meals and commercially prepared meals. You can decide how much fresh to feed; you don’t have to feed every meal raw.  Any little bit you give is a little more nutrition that you are giving your pet. The first...

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